
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cakephp 2.0-Create 0bserve field equivalent with new jshelper

Many things have changed in v2.0 of cakephp removal of ajaxhelper is one of them in its plce we have a new helper called jshelper() to perform similar tasks here is how to use observe field with jshelper in cakephp 2.x

 echo $this->Js->get('#category')->event->('change',$this->JS->request(array(  

Where #category is the id of element which fires event and #videocontainer is the id of div which is updated of data from controller "contributors" and its action "changevideos"


  1. but if i want a return, for example, i'm trying to change the values of a form when the option froma a select is changed.

    1. you can return json in that case from the page and then callback a function on success where you can set your form data.
