PEAR is a very good package which contains pre defined built classes for various functionality which prevents one to re invent the wheel
I use mostly for TDD Test driven development which needs phpUnit which requires PEAR
Installing PEAR is very simple all you have to do is install php or a vanilla package like wamp, mamp, xampp, lamp now
download the file
and place it under your php folder I use Wamp vanilla package so I will place under C:\wamp\bin\php\php.version
Its a windows machine
Now open your command line interface(windows) or shell(linux) and navigate to directory of your php folder and execute
php go-pear.phar
Under windows Vista,7 or in some versions of linux you might get a permission denied message in such cases you need to run command prompt under admin mode.
To do so in windows under start->all programs->accessories->(right click on command prompt and select run as administrator to get the things work out for you)
I use mostly for TDD Test driven development which needs phpUnit which requires PEAR
Installing PEAR is very simple all you have to do is install php or a vanilla package like wamp, mamp, xampp, lamp now
download the file
and place it under your php folder I use Wamp vanilla package so I will place under C:\wamp\bin\php\php.version
Its a windows machine
Now open your command line interface(windows) or shell(linux) and navigate to directory of your php folder and execute
php go-pear.phar
Under windows Vista,7 or in some versions of linux you might get a permission denied message in such cases you need to run command prompt under admin mode.
To do so in windows under start->all programs->accessories->(right click on command prompt and select run as administrator to get the things work out for you)
Good article